Микросхема 88E3018-A2-NNC1I000

Микросхема 88E3018-A2-NNC1I000
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Доступно 90 шт.

Категории: Микросхемы

Marvell Semiconductor Fast Ethernet PHYs (Physical Layer) Transceivers feature low power dissipation, a small form factor, high performance, and a highly advanced feature set. The Fast Ethernet PHY Transceivers' low power consumption enables network systems manufacturers to decrease system costs by reducing both power supply and fan requirements. The Fast Ethernet PHYs Transceivers also feature Marvell Virtual Cable Tester® (VCT) Technology, allowing end-users, IT managers, and networking equipment manufacturers to analyze quickly and remotely the quality and attributes of the cable. This feature avoids unnecessary equipment returns and on-site service calls.

Мин.отпуск (шт)10
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